Thursday, November 30, 2006

Starry, Starry Night

Come one! Come all!

To Santa Cruz Elementary School's Annual Winter Festival.

December 12th from 6:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M.

There will be all kinds of arts, crafts, performances and activities.
Many of the art projects will cost $0.50. Some will ask for donations. PTO will be selling drinks and popcorn.

Santa's Workshop will be open to parents and students for gift purchases.

The Winter Book Fair will be open in the library with Clifford available to read to everyone.

There will be Candy Cane Grams for sale. We will deliver only to our own school. The students love to receive these treats and reminder that someone cares. Candy grams are six inch candy canes with a message attached by a ribbon.
We also will be singing at 6:00 in the center yard. Mrs. Sturr's class will also have make-and-take ornaments for 50 cents.

At 7:15, the staff will perform their annual caroling. Come enjoy the fun and have a ball.